Contact EXIT Realty Homeward Bound

Emmanuel "Jamin" Burchard
Real Estate Salesperson
License # 10401379488
(541) 941-6623

Emmanuel "Jamin" Burchard Biography

I was born and raised in Oregon. After graduating from Portland State University with a B.A. in International Studies, I studied to become a helicopter pilot. As a professional helicopter pilot, work brought me from Oregon, to Las Vegas, NV, and finally, to Binghamton, NY. For the past four years, I've been working as an EMS Pilot based out of Sidney, NY. When not flying, I love spending time with my beautiful wife Susan, and our two children, Emily and Oliver.

Having lived in small towns, big cities, and abroad I've taken something with me from everywhere I've lived. I feel incredibly fortunate to have started my family and put down roots in Broome County. With so many communities and possibilities in the Southern Tier, I look forward to working with you and finding your home. Please reach out with any questions, I really look forward to getting to know you!

Contact Emmanuel "Jamin" Burchard

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Emmanuel "Jamin" Burchard
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